專輯歌詞整理:Minstrel 吟遊家 - Departure for Daydream Orbit 前往夢的旅程

01 Ancient Calling ~intro~
02 Time goes by
03 Purely Salvation
04 Reverie
05 Refuge ~避難所~
06 Secret time
07 Fairy Forest ~instrumental song~
08 Starlight ~星光~
09 On the Road ~outro~

01 Ancient Calling

(no lyrics)

02 Time goes by

When I open the eyes of my own
Things has change itself into a completely chaos , what have we done
oh memory tell me where have you been
is the legend drained in the history fade into darkness being hidden
Awaken vein , unlock the memory cage
grab the fading light and walk firmly toward the inherited moment (as if yesterday)

the unknown exploit , unknown story , anonymous hero - fight for our soul
wheel of life , the sweat the tears the spirit , endless cycle of soul
I believe in indestructible legend , get out sorrow - time goes by

Different stories with the same dream , Date bring us together brothers
Fate bring us together
Embrace the destiny , march toward where we should belong , 
(Fate bring us together) we as the minstrels

We are marching fearlessly through the path of the rainbow shooting though the new world
Brothers united
Struggling while we marching forward , we are the one
marching fearlessly toward dream , shooting from rainbow to new world
Brothers united
Struggling while we march toward our dreamurely salvation

Oh we are the one
We march fearlessly (I'll be there for you)
we know we might become ashes (trust me from your heart)
We march fearlessly (I'll be there for you)
because we are the minstrels (trust me from your heart)
Fearlessly , we know we might become ashes
Fearlessly because we are meant to be

03 Purely Salvation

曾經感到疲憊 對生活逃避厭倦
陷的越深越感覺 索然無味
又一波潮流湧現 還好 我找到了 純淨的泉水滋養金黃稻穗
萃練生命至今時間 擁有很多 其實勇敢
才能 面對刻苦磨難 否則怎麼 走的到今天

每一次接受感動 能量都滿載心中 揮散不去思考 該何去何從又如何轉換
也許一眨眼結束 也許一輩子痛苦 終於 我看透了 繽紛的生活來自光彩純粹
陽光般溫暖 停不住想念的淒美 跨越古今 超脫性別
相信 困境總能改變 只要我們 點起熊熊烈焰

We like fire 燃燒不分晝夜 在月光下激情纏綿 哭泣的臉或笑容滿面 多希望不要熄滅
火燃燒殆盡那一天 將旅途中種種遺憾 早就被吹散 從來就不曾讓我矇上心眼

Life ~ I must create something more

Fight ~ for what I want to do

Now is Time to start the evolution

Now is Time to feel the purely salvation

04 Reverie

Everyday, when I hear the tower's clock tic tac till the bell ring
Ding ding dong that's my call, I know my day has just ended now

Roses tulips sunflowers, florescent petals surrounded by me
Whispering  their knowledge guiding me through the boredom life from emptiness

Dreaming of, life out there waiting. Adventure, strangers, I have no fear
Not afraid, no fear, for darkness, the finale battle is against my self

Dancing with my tip toe in glamorous moonlight
Drawing blueprint of my future in my heart
Searching till I light up the torch of my life
This is the dance of life

fighting till I light up the torch of my life
listening to mystery voice of music
strengthen mine courage with tender
proudly dance song of my
Proudly dance song of my
I control my reverie

05 Refuge ~避難所~

Let us say goodbye to the tragedy
just one word - We are the strongest

自由自在腳步如此輕鬆 難以想像 曾經的陰影 壓抑的到底是什麼
就像是一場惡夢醒來 夢裡沒有盡頭的路 不斷奔跑找不到出口

躲起來 沒有用 角落傳來的旋律腐臭 原石不該被埋沒

過去的旅途只是過程 發怒而顫抖的雙手 他永遠會在我們左右
去探索 目標如何存在 驅動人生的力量 誰都希望親手握在手上

我們都 在期待 快樂的心情把悲傷做區隔 不受負面的侵犯

然後再 打碎那些 混雜糾結 虛偽傀儡
重新回到 避難所的面前 把惡質的都銷毀

總有一天 你要走出自閉的避難所
回頭再看看 根本是廢墟
總有一天 你要炸掉瑟縮的防空洞
不值得留戀 不需要懷念
總有一天 我們會死去離開這世界
把全部的力量 留給愛的人
總有一天 當我們又唱起了這首歌
自閉的避難所 已經是回憶

Oh ~ The life is struggle but we fight for everything
with all pain to move forward

06 Secret time

Your warm smiling face is just like the sun
It's so meaningful in my life
Being with you is such a delight
I will certainly not forget it

If we didn't have these
How could a person face the difficulty
You can not fly with a half wing
Now let's go hand in hand together
You know I would never lie

Open your eyes
Look behind to see the truth
to understand
No one could survive alone
I had searched so hard and now that I have found you
friendship'll last forever

(It's) our secret time (We never say goodbye)
The time to look into our souls inside

07 Fairy Forest ~instrumental song~

(no lyrics)

08 Starlight ~星光~

月色映照漆黑的夜 歷史塵埃像浮雲 (漸漸)散開

那裏沒有光害 靈性隨大自然在搖擺

慾望怎麼那麼濃厚沉重 像無底洞

世界如此遼闊 吹亂了髮絲不知該往哪走 (早該)尋個樂活的出口

好刺骨的寒風 用真心去捍衛 愛才不畏懼 迎面吹來
從古至今 看過了那麼多 就是要回歸原始本能 高聲唱著每一首歌
看 前人走入絢爛 回眸時雙眼無法睜開 這一切是否太混亂

天上的星光依舊耀眼 打亮陷人迷惘烏岩
可是黑夜來的太快 後伴隨無聲的傷悲

時空瞬間流劃過腦海 神遊蔓延無垠
一起走向 那充滿未知的明天

(閃爍的星光點綴了夜空 接受洗禮因而生生不息)

Sparkling night , with decoration of starlight ~ oh sprinkle down
Brighten life in every corner where we are all living

Sparkle nightlight , with decoration of starlight sprinkle down on us
Creatures in the dark show us their strength alight our corners

09 On the Road ~outro~

(no lyrics)
