專輯歌詞整理:Frost Tears 冰霜之淚 - Nine Chapters 九章

01 存在(Prelude) Being For
02 臨界 Through the Edge
03 對飲 Drinking
04 紅妝 The Rough
05 赤地千里 Barren Land
06 沉默審判 Silent Trial
07 天下 Rule The Land
08 戰火 Flames of War
09 地祇 Mother Earth
10 窗外(Interlude) Step Forward
11 重生-陽明篇 Reborn-Yang Ming
12 Amazing Grace
01 重生-洪武篇 Reborn-Hong Wu
02 對飲(Remix) Drinking (Remix)
03 沉默審判(Remix) Silent Trial (Remix)
04 紅妝(Remix) The Rough (Remix)

1-01 存在(Prelude) Being For

(no lyrics)

1-02 臨界 Through the Edge

就剎那一生 為千古流芬
不畏懼那灼熱焰火 衝向灰燼
花落繁盡 夜沉 晨曦東未昇
猶見斑駁影身 踟躕未知前程


迎著戧風 佇候在
一望無垠寧靜懸崖 心驚膽顫

浩瀚宇宙 微透光 衝破藩籬 直到 氣斷腸

All along emotion until the ending
All along you see it to be confident
All along to confront until the ending
All along you see it always you can follow

月光皎潔 映照湖水面 思念無限惹塵埃

疲憊蹣跚 今何在?

Life is so fleeting, while fame's immortal
Rush to the ash without fearing the  raging flames
Flowers wither. Night fall. The sun hasn't risen
Seeing the shadow dapple, I  hesitate on future

A splendid sea lie before me
Facing the wind I stand by
the boundless serene sharp cliff

The vast cosmos has dim light. Break through the boundaries till we die
All along emotion until the ending
All along you see it to be confident
All along to confront until the ending
All along you see it always you can follow

The  bright  moonlight cast upon the lake.  The ceaseless yearning  drills me
Is what I persuit still there?

英文翻譯 by夏暴羽:http://epica1993.pixnet.net/blog/post/408145306

1-03 對飲 Drinking

又聚河畔佇足燈火闌珊 談笑瀰漫
一陣東風吹拂多年冀盼 不嘆過往

看 在月光下 浮現火花 傾 些許憂愁消逝

酒 來消愁 請斟酒笑談 杯觥交錯 幾番思量
看 自笑顏中 浮現希望 傾 些許憂愁消逝
酒 過三巡 再斟酒笑談 微醺迷茫 談笑自若


Gazing at the fireworks in far at night
Gathering on riverbank in dim light. Clatter echoes.
Gazing at the reflection of grey hair
The east wind stired up my old expectation. Don't dwell on past.

Look, in the moonlight the fire blaze. Fall for drunk and ease some pain
Drown our sorrow. Please drink and laugh loud. Recalling past as we salute. 
Look, from our smile the hope appear. Fall for drunk and ease some pain
Let's buttom up again and again. Though tipsy, we are still cheerful

We see through the sorrow of life

英文翻譯 by夏暴羽http://epica1993.pixnet.net/blog/post/408265669

1-04 紅妝 The Rough

葉 飄零著 朦朧影中裡盤旋
瀰漫著芬芳 輕盈曼妙的倩影
花 斜倚著 空思遠處的歸人
金雀 孤窗 雨過殘燭 幾多愁

月色映照鏡水面 繁華布幔 捲起一頁

嫣然一笑 慾望紅塵 蹶然一身

枯籐古樹遺駭 封印難已窺探

絢爛的火光 一閃又即逝

夜透露迷漾誘惑 弄妝紅粉面

染胭脂煙花月 笑如幻夢一場
午夜夢徊綺戀 戴上偽妝面
嬌饒身影猶存 回眸瞬間百媚生

(絕代風華一生 一一浮現入眼簾)

The leaves witherd, in the shadows it hovered
emitting fragrance, such lissom her figure
The flower leaned, missing the distant lover
The canary watched the rain pour on the light by the sash, how lonesome

Moonlight glows on the water
Turn a new leaf of gaudiness
Smiling seductively all alone in the Red

Dead vine, Old trees, remains
It's hard to see the seal
The spark light is like a flash in the pan

Mistily the night tempted us
I dressed in full fig
The Rouge dyed the moon red. It's all like a fond dream
Such roamnce in my dreams. Hide myself with a mask
The fair figure lingers. So tempting as her gazes back

(Her peerless beauty lasts. One by one flash through my eye.)

英文翻譯 by夏暴羽http://epica1993.pixnet.net/blog/post/397984615

1-05 赤地千里 Barren Land

風蕭瑟 蒼天淚 路斷魂 絮雨紛
凝視眼 箭上弦 唯獨有那一瞬間
風蕭瑟 蒼天淚 路斷魂 絮雨紛
星滅雲裂 惡火噬地 身陷桎梏

一望無際 白茫大地 頃刻間悲泣

漫天細雨 無語塵埃 全覆蓋恐懼
雨紛飛 落葉飄 異鄉願 如今縱使歸不去
惆悵淚 滑落在衣肩 如今麻痺 已不見

轉眼間 蒼穹桑天風雲變色 捻於指尖

浩氣迴盪著耳際 無聲吶喊天邊

現實壓迫的剝奪 無法喘息的枷鎖

追尋真切的疑惑 縱使畏懼 唯有短暫的瞬間
油然而生的本我 超脫最真的感受

喚醒正義的持有 能否克制顫抖

Chilling wind. Cries the sky. Route is harsh. It drizzled.
Concentrate. Only for that moment arrow's on string
Chilling wind. Cries the sky. Route is harsh. It drizzled.
Cloud shrouds the stars. Fire burned the earth. I'm imprisoned.

On the endless white land, I cried out without omen
The ceaseless rain, the silent dust, all covered by fear
It drizzled. The leaf falls. I'm homesick though I can never go back.
The tears of sorrow fall on my shoulder and numb my eyesight.

Suddenly the blue sky changes drastically to my horror
The uprightness haunts on me, silently it echos

Reality's stripping me. The chain's suffocating me
Searching for the real question, even if there's fear, it will never last too long
Here I form my real ego, the unleashed real feeling

Waking innate uprightness, can we stop shivering?

英文翻譯 by夏暴羽http://epica1993.pixnet.net/blog/post/408385144

1-06 沉默審判 Silent Trial

眼中心靈殘骸 覆蓋糜爛枯葉
視而不見殘酷現實 爭奪殺戮


See the world you must have to Wear a mask, how to choose behind the pretense.

如制約般鎖鏈 箝制住意念 纏住心間

無法面對觀念價值 唯獨只有對這一切沉默 消失在最終審判

What do you see behind the real? No

What's the criteria after all? Fake
What's only you can do that? Silence
This is I want to stick to change.

如制約般鎖鏈 箝制住意念 纏住心間

無法面對觀念價值 唯獨只有對這一切沉默 揮之不去偽裝 消失在最終審判

制約般鎖鏈 箝制住意念 纏住心間

無法面對觀念價值 唯獨只有對這一切沉默 揮之不去偽裝 消失在最終審判

In my eyes rotten leaves cover remains of soul
Turn a blind eye to this cruel truth, fight and slaughter

In my sight is full of brutal unreality. How should I choose?
See the world you must have to Wear a mask, how to choose behind the pretense.

The chain-like restriction bound my free mind and twine on my heart

I can't face with this system of values but to be silence to all these
disappear in the last trial

What do you see behind the real ? NO

What’s the criteria after all? Fake
what’s only you can do that ? Silence
this is I want to stick to change ….

The chain-like restriction bound my free mind and twine on my heart
I can't face with this system of values but to be silence to all these
I can't remove my mask, disappear in the last trial

The chain-like restriction bound my free mind and twine on my heart
I can't face with this system of values but to be silence to all these

I can't remove my mask, disappear in the last trial

英文翻譯 by夏暴羽http://epica1993.pixnet.net/blog/post/408080062

1-07 天下 Rule The Land

鋒芒之眼 虎狼之心 劊子之手 暴君之吼
尚武之治 拓疆闢土 惡名君王 一統天下


風沙瀰漫 我心若懸
看不清 山在何方? 河往哪去?
細數節繩 已數千載

前秦後漢 曹王自封 三國分立 苦似鹿鼎

烽煙滾滾 天愁地暗 儒皮法骨 君暗臣亂


戰鼓四起 血流成河
望不見 風往何處? 而妳在哪裡?
思念伊人 是否依舊


The piercing eyes. Heart of the beast. Hands of Ripper. Growl of tyrant
Worshipping force. Breaking new ground. The notorious emperor rule all the land

Recalling days long ago we gathered
The wind stirred up the sand. My heart was suspended
I couldn't see where the mountains were, where the rivers converge
Counting how long it'd been, thousands of years had passed

Han came after Qin. Cao cao made himself king. People suffered from the situation of the Three Kindom
The war fire burnt everwhere. The world is in chaos and darkness. With the skin of Confucianism but the spine of Legalism, the emperor was fatuous and the courtiers fish in trouble water

My dream brought me back to the Three Kindom's warfare
Drummer everywhere. The earth was running with blood
I couldn't see where the wind blew. And where you would be?
Missing my fair lady,would she still stay there as usual?

Conquer the whole world

英文翻譯 by夏暴羽http://epica1993.pixnet.net/blog/post/409865350

1-08 戰火 Flames of War

風起 雲湧  一代梟雄 運籌帷幄 氣概赤壁
平沙無垠 敻不見人 河水縈帶 山糾紛
古來戰場 非生即死 魂拋千里外

秋風 嘯

風蕭瑟 波湧起 山河震 雷電崩 
風蕭瑟 波湧起 山河震 雷電崩
古來戰場 非生即死 魂拋生死外

凜冽 震眩 戰亂平起 聲析江河 勢崩雷電

老驥伏櫪 志在千里 烈士暮年 心不已
古來戰場 非生即死 暴古塵沙中

戰鼓 吼

天地愁 草木悲 聲悲壯 屍遍野
天地愁 草木悲 聲悲壯 亡魂哭

滾滾長江東逝水 浪花淘盡英雄 

成與敗 轉頭空 青山依舊在 幾度阿 夕陽紅

曹孟德奸雄狂妄 孤掌難鳴 豈容他四海橫行

投長鞭斷江流牆摧楫傾 從此後漢祚重光三分鼎
看今日風雲際會赤壁鏖兵 大江東去浪千重
多少英雄浪掏盡 惟有我千古留名

滾滾長江東逝水 浪花淘盡英雄

成與敗 轉頭空 青山依舊在
古今秋月春風 一壺酒喜相逢 仰天長嘯 

Rising winds, scudding clouds. Pendragon of the generation had the situation well in hand; his momemtum swept the Red Cliff
There was no one to be seen on the endless sand. The river meandered among the ountains piled upon mountains.
Since ancient times the life-and-death struggles are common on the battlefield. Soldiers had left life and death out of consideration already.

Howled the autumn wind
The wind howls. The waves surge. Great earthquake. Thunder drops.
The wind howls. The waves surge. Great earthquake. Thunder drops.
Since ancient times the life-and-death struggles are common on the battlefield. Soldiers had left life and death out of consideration already. 

Piercing cold. Shocklnly dazzled. Warfare uprose everywhere. Its sound rumbled on the river like thunder
The old soldiers still crave for retrieving their glory despite aging. A noble-hearted man retains his high aspirations even in old age
Since ancient times the life-and-death struggles are common on the battlefield. The warriors lay their lives on the battlefield and bones decay in the sand

War drum  Roar

The world was overwhelmed by sorrow. The hailing was solemn but stirring. The corpses scattered on the battlefield.
The world was overwhelmed by sorrow. The hailing was solemn but stirring.

The surging Yangtze runs ever east, washing up heroes as it goes.
Right and wrong, failure and fortune change position in the blink of an eye. The green mountain stand as ever before, witness to countless sunsets

Cao Mengde(Cao Cao) the arch-careerist is presumptuous, but it's difficult to achieve anything without support. We shall not let his rampage endenger the world.
If my army fling their whip, the Yangtze would be blocked. The warship was seriously damaged. Henceforth the throne of the past Han shone and the glorious Three Kindom started.
Look how many militaries fight fiercely today! East flows the mighty river as the waves surge
Sweeping away the heroes of times past, only I can leave my mark in history

The surging Yangtze runs ever east, washing up heroes as it goes.
Right and wrong, failure and fortune change position in the blink of an eye. The green mountain stand as ever before

Time passes by and brings away those good old days. With a jug of wine we drink to our hearts, emitting long wheez into the air

英文翻譯 by夏暴羽http://epica1993.pixnet.net/blog/post/410008054

1-09 地祇 Mother Earth

川澤 河海 山林 五嶽 社稷 掌建邦之神鬼地祇之禮
天子登泰山之高以報天 炎黃附粱甫之基以報地

春夏秋冬 萬世輪迴 乾坤莫測 行 后土地祇之祭

春夏秋冬 萬世輪迴 乾坤莫測 封禪

川澤 河海 山林 五嶽 社稷 

皇天奄有四海為天下君 后土負載江海山林屋宇

五行八方 昊天上帝 后土陰地 五方相乘 五氣凝結

五行八方 昊天上帝 后土陰地 孕生萬靈 保我江山
永世和平 佑我人民 豐衣足食
願我族裔 生生不息 千古傳頌

乞求天地 四海昇平 廣闊社稷 安和樂利

昊昊天地 萬物不息

1-10 窗外(Interlude) Step Forward

(no lyrics)

1-11 重生-陽明篇 Reborn-Yang Ming

形而上 因果致輪迴 修身以道 心即是天理
守中庸 平七情六慾 脫世道 得重生 喜怒哀懼愛惡欲 知情意

辭章訓詁八股 朝無能人志士 陽明躬行實踐 盛學 格物致知

一生波濤洶湧 抑鬱仕宦之途 一世兵馬倥傯 擒寧王 平江西

擅離職 教異端 判除世襲官銜 辭世甲子復榮銜 孔廟入祀

一生波濤洶湧 抑鬱仕宦之途 一世兵馬倥傯 擒寧王 平江西

學統道統政統 纏繞千絲萬縷 政治當權者謀 毀仕途 下詔獄

得失榮辱超脫 看盡世間俗事 人生即是知行 超生死換骨存

困境中 無依恃 容忍當下苦難 聖賢道 致良知 終得千古傳誦



1-12 Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
tat saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I'm found,
was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear,

and Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear,
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers toils and snares,

we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far,
and Grace will lead us home.

When we've been here a thousand years,

bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise,
than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,

was blind, but now I see.

2-01 重生-洪武篇 Reborn-Hong Wu

風揚起 湖面起浪濤 身在先秦 若這是天意
亂世中 今不比那兒去
這暴政 如往昔 人民苦與難 至今未平息

烽煙四起 擊鼓鳴金 赴戰場

縱橫天下 成王敗寇 一場廝殺
此一朝定死生 無論刀下孤魂
一世戎馬倥傯 願能千秋傳佳話

千帆齊備 萬箭遮天 震八方

縱橫天下 刀光劍影 誰與爭霸
此一朝定死生 無論刀下孤魂
一世戎馬倥傯 願能千秋傳佳話

殺盡江南百萬兵 腰間寶劍血猶腥

老僧不識英雄漢 何須曉曉問姓名

屍橫遍野 背水一戰 苦對峙

旌旗蔽日 雲蓋天 吶喊天涯
此一朝定死生 無論刀下孤魂
一世戎馬倥傯 願能千秋傳佳話

血染湖泊赤大地 恍若是過眼浮雲

風雲叱吒順天意 豈能畏懼存猶豫
一戰而千古留名 萬世流芳知天命

此生非躊躇不定 一路堅定走下去
